Service Description


Our ethos encompasses providing individually tailored Therapeutic Care that will provide young people to develop both social and life skills while in a secure, loving environment. This will enable them to live safely and productively in the community.

In order to achieve this, we aim to: Provide a safe and psychologically secure environment offering structure and consistency of boundaries to young people, coupled with a homely loving living environment.  Listen to young people’s opinions and rights and encourage them to be involved in all aspects of their care. Provide an open and honest environment for young people and staff allied to promoting and encouraging respect for each other, and promoting positive relationships with adults. Individually tailored care and therapy programmes and ensure that the collaborative practices between care, therapy and staff provide the young people with consistency, love and security.

Focus on a young person’s strengths and use these as a basis to create achievable targets that address difficulties. Safeguard young people and take a proportionate approach to risk that minimises the risk of harm but also allows them to experience positive growth and development.  Enable young people to explore past events, the present and their future possibilities in a safe and supportive environment.  Support young people to develop understanding of the meaning, significance and consequences of their behaviour, thereby opening up the possibility of change.  Promote good communication and effective working relationships between relevant parties that keeps young people at the centre of all care planning and review.  To work with the young people, in order for them to be able to identify what is a safe and appropriate relationship.  To provide realistic expectations of behaviour and sensitive measures of control.  Provide a ‘homely’ therapeutic relaxed living environment for the young people.

Permanent Care

Emergency Care

Respite Care